Avidity Science has Acquired CT Chemical

September 2018

The Partners of ShoreView Industries are pleased to announce that Avidity Science (f/k/a Edstrom), a ShoreView portfolio company, has acquired CT Chemical.

Headquartered in Lebanon, OH, CT Chemical manufactures and sells filtration products used in water purification applications. CT Chemical’s broad range of products are widely used by pharmaceutical, biotech, academic and government customers. The addition of CT Chemical broadens Avidity Science’s range of products and solutions supporting the research tools market.

ShoreView invested in Avidity Science in 2016 and has since completed two strategic acquisitions, Triple Red Ltd. in 2017 (based in the U.K.) and CT Chemical. Avidity Science is a worldwide leader in water purification systems and laboratory equipment for scientific research and healthcare facilities.

ShoreView assisted Avidity Science in its acquisition of CT Chemicals.

To learn more about Avidity Science please visit their website:  https://www.avidityscience.com